• インナーチャイルドが叫んでる! ★英語版★
インナーチャイルドが叫んでる! ★英語版★

豊受オーガニクスショップ インナーチャイルドが叫んでる! ★英語版★

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『インナーチャイルドが叫んでる!』の英語版。英語版タイトルは『Your inner child is crying out!』です。

Your inner child is crying out !

Table of Contents
Recommendation ・・・・・・ 3

Chapter Ⅰ
No one except you yourself can be your own saviour
The stagnation of the mind manifests as an illness ・・・14
What is homoeopathy? ・・・・・・16
Remedy is a mirror that reflects your own self ・・・19
The reason why you are unable to live your own original life ・・23
Consciousness the subconscious and the unconscious ・・24
Suppressed emotion hurts cells ・・・・・27
Let the emotion surface that are buried in the subconscious ・31
All causes reside within you ・・・・・・34

Chapter Ⅱ
What are the Inner Child and Adult Children?
Everyone carries inner child within ・・・・38
What is the purpose of our being? ・・・・・41
Fear of not being loved is the fear of death ・・・44
Are you to be blamed for not being loved? ・・・48
Issues that lie behind the emotion of anger ・・・51
Inner child and childbirth ・・・・・53

Chapter Ⅲ
The first step is to recognize our Inner Child
Incident of similars that occurs to urge our awakening ・・56
The chance is when your emotion is disturbed ・・・58
The main cause of autoimmunity ・・・・60
Illnesses are “notification”・・・・・62

Chapter Ⅳ
Criterion of value suppresses your emotion and your behaviour
The self that is shackled by the words of others ・・68
A lens called criterion of value ・・・・・69
How much of the sense of value imprinted in you can you throw away? ・・・・・・73
You cannot grow without mingling with others ・・75
Criticizing others is the same as criticizing yourself ・・・77
In order to conclude your past into the past ・・・79

Chapter Ⅴ
The saga of Torako Yui
Me an unwanted child ・・・・・・84
My pain and grief hidden intently・・・・86
The mask worn in order to survive ・・・・88
The one who is not loved is a worthless human being ・90
Remedy will bring to the surface the sealed past ・・・94
Reunion with “a child self” residing within myself ・・96
Many wounded children are residing within us・・100

Chapter Ⅵ
Consciousness and the Inner Child
Six consciousness ・・・・・・106
My reconciliation with my daughter through confessing my true feelings ・・・・・・・118
Variations of the inner child ・・・・・120
A case of parents’ control being too dominant ・・123
Whenever you feel anger take a deep breath first ・・・125
Japanese people have a tendency to suppress their emotions ・・127
Your being here is more than enough ・・・130

Chapter Ⅶ
Cases of Adult Children
Your soul has chosen your life ・・・・142
Adult Children: Case (�) Female anxiety disorder panic disorder ・・・・・・・144
Adult Children: Case (�) Male progressive renitis pigmentosa ・・・・158

Chapter Ⅷ
Remedy for the Inner Child and it’s case Platina – Pride ・・・・・・164
Magnesium – Pacifism ・・・・・166
Ignatia – Grief ・・・・・・167
Nat-mur: rock salt Chronic grief ・・・・168
Cyclamen – Deep grief ・・・・・170
Lac-caninum – Children who believe they are worthless ・172
Saccharum – Ceaseless craving for love ・・・173
Fluoric-acid – Children who didn’t receive
the attention of parents ・・・・・175
Thymus gland/Lac-humanum – Incapable of leaving parents ・180
Graphites – People who couldn’t glow by being overshadowed by father・・・・・182
Sepia –Unable to show interest in their children ・・189
Syphilinum – Susceptible to having accident or injury ・191
Flower essence ・・・・・・193
The process of agony required for your awakening ・・・194

Chapter Ⅸ
The method to cure the Inner Child
Securing a safe venue to allow your emotions to erupt out ・200
Writing a letter to your inner child ・・・・201
Writing down in a diary how your emotions are being disturbed・・・・・・205
Utilizing your daily human relationship ・・・・207
In order to solve your inner child ・・・・・209
Case (�) An experience from the cases of RHA in UK ・・213
Causes of diseases are brought in by suppression ・・・216
Joining in the flow of your true self by overcoming the unbalanced belief system ・・・・218

Chapter Ⅹ
In order to earn true liberation and happiness
Awareness that can be earned only through pain ・・222
By accepting all things as they are let’s move on ・・225
Question and Answers ・・・・・228
In place of the postscript ・・・・・248

Other Writings ・・・・・・・251
Profile of author ・・・・・・255

数量:  個  

発売日2009 年 4 月
