• 愛じゃ! 人生をかけて人を愛するのじゃ! ★英語版★
愛じゃ! 人生をかけて人を愛するのじゃ! ★英語版★

豊受オーガニクスショップ 愛じゃ! 人生をかけて人を愛するのじゃ! ★英語版★

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消費税: ¥180

『愛じゃ! 人生をかけて人を愛するのじゃ!』の英語版。英語版のタイトルは『Love! Devote your life to loving others!』です。

A table of Contents

Chapter Ⅰ:Why you are not loved? Why you cannot love?
What is homoeopathy? ・・・・・・・・ 11
“Like cures like” treats the sadness with sadness ・・ 12
What is allopathy? – Allopathic medical treatment that treats the sadness with joy ・・・・・・・ 14
The reason why you are not loved ・・・・・・ 17
① Wrong sense of self value ・・・・・・・ 17
② Causes that have made you into an unbalanced self –Vaccination Iatrogenic diseases ・・・・・ 19
Case 1 : A child who has eliminated symptoms thoroughly and retrieved affluent expression of love ・・ 23
③ Love received from parents – The problem of thymus ・・・・・・・ 26
④ Lack of maternal love – Isolation of the baby from the mother at the birth ・ 28
Case 2 : Lack of maternal love ・・・・・・・ 30

Chapter Ⅱ: Inner Child that craves for love
Hardship and the grief of life ・・・・・・・ 34
Case 3 : A woman who hadn’t been able to whine since she was a child ・・・・・・・ 36
The cause of chronic sadness ・・・・・・・ 37
The origin of a mind that craves for love ・・・・ 39
Pain fear and anger ・・・・・・・・・ 42
What is it to grow into a true adult? ・・・・・・ 46

Chapter Ⅲ: What is true love?
Emotional love → Affectionate love → Love ・・・ 50
Attachment weighs upon the mind ・・・・・・ 52
True love begins with affection ・・・・・・・ 53
Alchemy of love ・・・・・・・・・・ 57
Unconditional love – Charity ・・・・・・・ 59
The words of Goethe ・・・・・・・・・ 62
Case 4 : A kindergartner who was awakened to love by Ignatia ・・・・・・・・・ 63
When unbalanced belief system disappears therein is born the light of love ・・・・・・ 65
Column ① The secret of contradiction ・・・・・ 68
Column ② Ancient dream ・・・・・・・・ 70

Chapter Ⅳ: In order to be the one who is loved
Let’s love our own selves ・・・・・・・・ 74
Let’s recur back into our original self ・・・・・ 77
Let’s retrieve our true self ・・・・・・・・ 81
Let’s cure our inner child ・・・・・・・・ 86
Let’s be in love let’s love others ・・・・・・ 87
Let’s forgive others ・・・・・・・・・ 89
Let’s accept those whom you are taking a dislike to ・・ 90
Any pain can be transformed into love ・・・・・ 94
Love as a homoeopath ・・・・・・・・・ 96
Case 5 : Artificial insemination autism a robot-like-child who can’t express emotion and who can’t communicate affection ・・・・・・・ 98

Chapter Ⅴ: Heightening love pursuing the sublimity of love
Marriage is a primordial love ・・・・・・・ 102
Love! Devote your life to loving others! ・・・・ 103
Overcoming the karma ・・・・・・・・ 105
Column ③ when affection dissolves ・・・・・ 108
Case 6 : A woman who loosened a hatred of the past by healing her trauma ・・・・・・・ 109
How to become good at nestling up ・・・・・・ 114
When you are driven by jealousy ・・・・・・ 117
The best sex has its base in trust ・・・・・・ 119
A chic arrangement by God ・・・・・・・ 121
From a lower dimensional emotion to
a higher dimensional love ・・・・・・・・ 122
What I have earned from my life ・・・・・・ 123

Chapter Ⅵ: Opening your chakra by gem remedy
The first chakra : Base (Perineum) chakra ・・・・ 138
The second chakra :Sacral (Sacrum) chakra ・・・・ 140
The third chakra : Solar plexus chakra ・・・・・ 144
The fourth chakra : Heart chakra ・・・・・・ 145
Case 7 : A woman who developed serious rheumatism throughout her entire body after her grandmother had committed suicide ・・・・・・ 148
Case 8 : A man who became infected with AIDS by having been hit in the thymus by his father since his childhood ・・・・・・・ 158
The fifth chakra : Throat chakra ・・・・・・ 161
Case 9 : The child who cried under the big acorn tree(My daughter) ・・・・・・・・ 163
The sixth chakra : Brow chakra ・・・・・・ 167
The seventh chakra : Crown (Vertical) chakra ・・・ 169
The remedy that will open all chakras ・・・・・ 171
Case 10 : An experience with Rainbow ・・・・・ 172
Flower essence that matches the heart chakra ・・・ 173
Gem remedy Materia Medica ・・・・・・ 176

Chapter Ⅶ: Questions and answers
In a case where I want to take more than one remedy? ・ 188
How do I know when my chakra is open? ・・・・ 189
In which order should the chakras be opened? ・・・ 192
Is it possible to use the remedy along with the other remedies prescribed by my homoeopath? ・・ 193
Can I take Rainbow first? ・・・・・・・・ 193
Which remedy will match to collagen disease? ・・・ 194
Which remedy will suit a child who cries out at night because of the itchiness of atopic eczema? ・・・・ 195
Which remedy will suit my husband who wants to go back to his own country? ・・・・ 199
What will be a good remedy for chemical sensitivity? ・ 200
Not getting on well with my child who loses her tempter easily ・・・・・・・・・・ 202
In which religion does Dr Torako have her faith? ・・ 205
In the end ・・・・・・・・・・・・ 206
Column ④ Anecdote of the birth ・・・・・・ 210

Reference Books ・・・・・・・・・・ 214
Profile of author ・・・・・・・・・・・ 217

数量:  個  

発売日2009 年 4 月
